Policy Document

Sree Narayana Guru College Chelannur - www.sngcollegechelannur.edu.in

Financial Assistance to Teachers for Professional Development

Excellenceinprofessioninvariablydependsontheextenttowhichapersonisacquainted, trained and equipped with technical knowledge, methodologies and most recentdevelopments in the field. Teachers are no exception as they are entrusted with the task ofimparting knowledge and skills to the younger generation, empowering them to meet theneeds of the knowledge society. Institution acknowledges the fact and puts forward beneficialpoliciesenvisaging theneed of teachersfor professional development.


Management, Principal and all the teachers shall abide by the policy, and contributetowards the endeavour of the institution to ensure professional excellence and knowledgeadvancementamong theteaching and student community.

Custodian of the Policy

Principal, Sree Narayana College, Chelannur shall hold the responsibility of implementing the policy, under the auspices and guidance from the Management of thecollege.


  • To motivate the teachers towards knowledge enhancement and skill acquisition.
  • To encourage the teachers to participate actively in academic deliberations and research endeavors.
  • To buildup the professional efficiency of the human resource of the Institution.
  • To create a favorable environment facilitating enlightening interactions between teacher and students, thereby promoting academic exposure and empowerment of the student community.
  • To facilitate the generation and dissemination of new scientific knowledge by teachers and students (beneficial to the good will, fame and reputation of the institution).


  • Teachers participating in international, national and regional conferences/workshops/seminars shall be provided with financial assistance from the Staff Association of the Institution.
  • Financial assistance shall be granted to teachers annually subject to recommendations forwarded by the Principal.
  • Teachers aspiring for the grant are expected to submit their request duly stating thedetails of the conference/workshop/seminar with substantiating documents prior to thedate of the event. The participation certificate must be produced at the college officeimmediatelyafter theevent.
  • Grant shall be distributed at the rate of Rs.500/-for presenting paper at conference/workshop/seminarand Rs.250/-for attending conference/workshop/seminar.
  • Grant shall be provided to the eligible teacher only once in a year, irrespective of the number of participations in conferences/workshopsduring the concernedperiod.
  • The institution expects the grant receiving teachers to disseminate the newly acquired knowledge among the student community and to promote their academic exposure and participation in research oriented activities.